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Sports Unity kicked off its first major fundraiser for cancer research with a memorable gala evening drawing widespread support from Malta’s football community. This inaugural event brought together representatives from eight clubs across the Malta Premier League and Challenge League, showcasing a collective commitment to making a positive impact on society. The initiative, a project of...

Ħamrun Ħanin, the social arm of Ħamrun Spartans FC has launched a new initiative aimed at bringing together all stakeholders in the football community to work towards a common objective. The main aim of Sports Unity is to unite the whole sporting community for a specific initiative which brings effective impact in the society around...

Bħala parti mill-ħidma tagħha biex tippromwovi l-qari fost it-tfal, għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva, l-organizzazzjoni volontarja Ħamrun Ħanin ippreżentat sett ta’ kotba mis-serje tant maħbuba ‘Karamellu tar-Raħal t’Isfel’, miktuba minn Charles Buttigieg, lill-Iskola Primarja SS tal-Ħamrun, li tifforma parti mill-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca. Fl-okkażjoni ta’ din il-preżentazzjoni, membri ta’ Ħamrun Ħanin iltaqgħu ma’ wħud mit-tfal ta’ din l-iskola...

On this year's Jum il-Ħamrun, a day dedicated to celebrating the people of Ħamrun, a special visit was made to a truly remarkable individual, Bjorn Formosa. Known for his unyielding spirit and tireless advocacy for the ALS community, Bjorn’s story is one of extraordinary courage and dedication, embodying the very essence of Ħamrun Ħanin –...

Newly-crowned Champions Hamrun Spartans kicked-off its celebrations following the 10th Championship title with a visit to fans residing at the Corradino Correctional Facility, sharing the jubilation of their championship victory. The visit was coordinated by Ħamrun Ħanin, the social arm of the Club. This visit, which took place for the second consecutive year, reflects the...

Ħamrun Ħanin, in partnership with the Autism Parents Association and Ħamrun Spartans FC have organised an extensive campaign to raise awareness and funds in honour of International World Autism Awareness Day, recognised globally on April 2. The initiative reached its climax on Saturday, 30th March, when Ħamrun Spartans took on Birkirkara in the FA Trophy quarter-final...

Ħamrun Spartans FC u Ħamrun Ħanin, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Autism Parents Association ħabbru t-tnedija ta’ inizjattiva unika fl-okkażoni tal-Jumen Internazzjonali tal-Awtiżmu, imfakkar madwar id-dinja fit-2 ta’ April 2024, u li se tilħaq il-qofol tagħha waqt il-partita tal-FA Trophy kontra Birkirkara FC. F’din il-logħba, it-tim tal-iSpartans se jilgħab bi flokk speċjali ddiżinjt minn Jacob Fava, tifel ta’ disa’ snin...

Fl-okkażjoni tad-debutt ta' ħames plejers mill-akkademja tal-klabb mal-ewwel tim ta' Ħamrun Spartans, l-organizzazzjoni volontarja  Ħamrun Ħanin, bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Ħamrun, żrat ħames xtieli ta' siġar f'żona qrib il-Knisja tal-Kunċizzjoni fl-Ħamrun.  Dan sar bi tkomplija tal-impenn meħud mill-istess Ħamrun Ħanin li tiżra' siġra għal kull plejer mill-Hamrun Spartans FC Daikin School of Excellence wara l-ewwel partita tiegħu mat-tim...