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Hamrun Hanin / Latest News (Page 3)

Ħamrun Spartans launch social platform to contribute to positive community development Ħamrun Spartans FC has formally launched its social platform, Ħamrun Ħanin, through which it will be seeking to maximise the potential that sport offers in our local communities to contribute towards a better and positive social development. Ħamrun Ħanin has been established as an independent...

The national team break provided league leaders Hamrun Spartans with yet another opportunity to share their passion for sport with less fortunate members of society, but in doing so experience teambuilding and bonding which is fundamental for any organisation let alone sport team. While traditionally, they shared their passion for football with different groups, demonstrating...

Nofs ta’ nhar b’tiċrita fuq wiċċ aktar minn ħamsin anzjan residenti fl-Imperial care home f’Tas-Sliema hekk kif numru ta’ players mit-tim ta’ Ħamrun Spartans qattgħu l-ħin magħhom u ma’ għadd ta’ persuni li jieħdu ħsiebhom b’tant dedikazzjoni. Fost l-anzjani, numru ta’ dilettanti tal-logħba tal-ballun qasmu l-memorji favoriti tagħhom marbuta mal-futbol, filwaqt li oħrajn għoxew jaraw...

The terrible tragedy which is unfolding Ukraine has stolen children of their safety, family, friends, home and even their hopes for their future. While the scars of a long-drawn war will take years to heal from the minds of tens of thousands of innocent childen, Ħamrun Ħanin sought to bring a few smiles at least...

A young person’s mental health is as important as their good physical health if they are to develop into independent and confident adults. Addressing mental health issues is an important element of healthy adolescent development as it helps youngsters build positive social, emotional, thinking and communication skills and behaviours. In this context, the very first event...

Googling the term Ħamrun will most likely bring up an array of negative news associating this historic town with crime and other persistent challenges. Through a mixture of partial reality and enhanced stereotyping, a distorted image of the locality is often misguidedly promoted through various channels, particularly via social media. Yet Ħamrun is a rich town...