Ħamrun Ħanin plants trees celebrating youngster’s European debut
Ħamrun Ħanin, with the support of Project Green has planted a number of trees in the locality, commemorating the European debut of one of its nursery products, Shaisen Attard.
The youngster, who for this season will be testing Premier League waters on loan at Gudja, played in Hamrun’s international fixture and to celebrate such event, Hamrun Hanin has honoured a pre-season pledge to plant a number of trees on this special occasion. This initiative not only celebrates the culmination of long-term investment in nurturing young talents by the football club but also underscores Ħamrun Ħanin unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship.
As the social responsability partner of the Spartans, Hamrun Ħanin is committed to help the club minimize its environmental footprint and actively contributing to the well-being of our community. In addition to this, agreement has been reached with a number of local Ħamrun residents to take care of these newly-planted trees, ensuring community involvement in this project, which the NGO hopes to repeat on further debuts by Spartan graduates of its academy.
In a brief ceremony, Ian Debattista, Ħamrun Ħanin Chairman, thanked Project Green for supporting the initiative. “We look forward to watching Shaisen’s career continue to flourish, both on and off the field, and to cultivating a greener future for generations to come”, he added.
Hamrun mayor Christian Sammut added “Our idea is to embellish our locality with plants in collaboration with residents who would be responsible to take care of them. We encourage further initiatives, even by the residents themselves, to continue improving the quality of our streets”.

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