Author: admin

Hamrun Hanin / Articles posted by admin (Page 2)

In a significant development for Ħamrun Ħanin, an agreement has been formalised and signed with the Ħamrun Spartans Daikin Football School of Excellence. This agreement entails a financial commitment aimed at bolstering the school's efforts in fostering the future generation through the sport of football. Facilitated by the generous support of the Alberta Group, this collaboration's...

In a groundbreaking display of unity, leading football clubs in Malta, Hamrun Spartans FC and Birkirkara FC, set aside their on-field rivalry to collaborate on unique off-field initiative: a joint blood donation drive. This unprecedented event, marking the first time any two local clubs have joined forces for such a noble cause, unfolded on the...

Ħamrun Ħanin’s message continued to be delivered to different corners of Maltese society, with the voluntary organisation achieving another significant milestone in its young history. The organisation was invited by the Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST) to deliver a presentation to students currently following an Advanced Diploma in Sport. As part of a...

The Victor Tedesco Stadium in Hamrun was home to a fantastic celebration of football and unity as children from three different academies got together in a football festival in aid of Ukraine. The young players themselves were the real stars of the day, not only participating by enjoying their favourite sport but also collecting funds...

Ħamrun Ħanin, with the support of Project Green has planted a number of trees in the locality, commemorating the European debut of one of its nursery products, Shaisen Attard. The youngster, who for this season will be testing Premier League waters on loan at Gudja, played in Hamrun's international fixture and to celebrate such event, Hamrun...

In a remarkable display of community solidarity, Ħamrun Ħanin has partnered with Alberta Group and Ħamrun Spartans FC Daikin School of Excellence to make a substantial donation of food products, clothes and other essential products to the newly-opened YMCA Drop-in Centre in Ħamrun. This food collection drive was organised on the occasion of the upcoming International Day for the...

Ħamrun Ħanin has signed a collaborative agreement with Miss Ħamrun and contestant for Miss Malta Bethany Ann Grech Spiteri.  Through this collaboration, we will support Miss Hamrun in her efforts to raise awareness and funds on cancer research. Ms Grech Spiteri will be specifically raising funds for the The University of Malta’s Research Innovation and Development...

Esperjenza memorabbli oħra għall-Ħamruniżi hekk kif plejers mill-iskwadra rebbieħa tal-Kampjonat żaru numru ta’ partitarji li huma residenti fil-Faċilità Korrettiva ta’ Kordin.  Permezz ta’ din iż-żjara, Ħamrun Ħanin, l-organizzazzjoni volontarja li tieħu ħsieb l-aspett soċjali taċ-Champions tal-futbol lokali riedet tiżgura li xxerred il-ferħ ta’ dan id-disa’ titlu verament ma’ kulħadd, anke ma’ dawk il-persuni li għal...

Ħamrun Ħanin u Alberta Group ħabbru l-iffirmar ta’ ftehim ta’ kollaborazzjoni li permezz tiegħu se jaħdmu flimkien fl-impenn soċjali tagħhom matul is-sentejn li ġejjin. Ħamrun Ħanin hija organizzazzjoni volontarja li taħdem biex permezz tal-logħba tal-futbol twassal benefiċċju fis-soċjetà, b’attivitajiet fil-qasam tal-inklużjoni, integrazzjoni, ħarsien tat-tfal, attiviżmu ambjentali u kwalità tal-ħajja aħjar. Riċentemen, din l-organizzazzjoni ffirmat ftehim maċ-rebbieħa...

As Easter approaches, voluntary organisation Ħamrun Ħanin sought to share the happiness and togetherness of this feast among the diverse communities within our society. In a celebration of inclusion and diversity, a number of young footballers from the Hamrun Spartans Football School of Excellence, accompanied by two players from the Senior Team, spent a morning...