Keep Updated

Hamrun Hanin / Keep Updated (Page 3)

Ħamrun Ħanin has launched a campaign to raise awareness on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, observed worldwide on 25th November. As part of the MatchDay taking place on the folowing weekend for the 360 Sports Malta Premier as well as the Challenge League and the Women’s League, team captains wore specially...

Ħamrun Ħanin, the social arm of Ħamrun Spartans FC has launched a new initiative aimed at bringing together all stakeholders in the football community to work towards a common objective. The main aim of Sports Unity is to unite the whole sporting community for a specific initiative which brings effective impact in the society around...

Bħala parti mill-ħidma tagħha biex tippromwovi l-qari fost it-tfal, għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva, l-organizzazzjoni volontarja Ħamrun Ħanin ippreżentat sett ta’ kotba mis-serje tant maħbuba ‘Karamellu tar-Raħal t’Isfel’, miktuba minn Charles Buttigieg, lill-Iskola Primarja SS tal-Ħamrun, li tifforma parti mill-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca. Fl-okkażjoni ta’ din il-preżentazzjoni, membri ta’ Ħamrun Ħanin iltaqgħu ma’ wħud mit-tfal ta’ din l-iskola...