Ħamruniżi celebrate inclusion and diversity through football
As Easter approaches, voluntary organisation Ħamrun Ħanin sought to share the happiness and togetherness of this feast among the diverse communities within our society. In a celebration of inclusion and diversity, a number of young footballers from the Hamrun Spartans Football School of Excellence, accompanied by two players from the Senior Team, spent a morning among the younger students at the Primary section of St Benedict’s College in Birżebbuġia.
This school is a true reflection of unity within diversity, with kids from some 40 different nationalities sharing a common educational voyage. They were joined by the budding footballers of the Ħamrun, and despite the differences of race, language and counry of origin, they shared moments of fun together with the language that unites us all – football.
During this event, Ħamrun Spartans stars Elvis Mashike and Dodo Soares shared some heart warming moments from their past, when, in view of the precarious situation in their respective countries, Congo and Cape Verde, they had no other option but to flee their countries and seek a better future in Europe. Both players shared the tough times they had gone through but delivered a message of hope calling on the young kids present to never give up and continue chasing their dreams.
At the end of the event, the Ħamrun players delivered figolli to their new friends as a reminder of this beautiful day. This event was supported by Alberta, Ħamrun Ħanin’s main partner, and Mannarinu Caterers.
ll-Ħamruniżi jiċċelebraw l-inklużjoni u d-diversità permezz tal-futbol
Ftit ġranet qabel il-festa tal-Għid, l-organizzazzjoni volontarja Ħamrun Ħanin ħassbet biex twassal il-ferħ ta’ din il-festa fost komunitajiet differenti fis-soċjetà tagħna. F’ċelebrazzjoni ta’ diversità u inklużjoni t-tfal tal-Ħamrun Spartans Football School of Excellence flimkien ma’ żewġ plejers mill-iskwadra tal-kbar tal-istess tim qattgħu nofs ta’ nhar mat-tfal tal-Iskola Primarja tal-Kulleġġ Benedittu f’Birżebbuġia.
Din l-iskola hija simbolu ta’ għaqda u inklużjoni, bi tfal minn 40 nazzjonalità differenti jgawdu l-vjaġġ edukattiv tagħhom flimkien. Magħhom ingħaqdu t-tfal Ħamruniżi u minkejja d-differenza fil-pajjiż tat-twelid jew l-ilsien li jitkellmu, il-lingwa tal-ballun hija waħda li tgħaqqad u tferraħ. Flimkien, it-tfal qattgħu ħin jilgħabu l-logħba favorita tagħom u tħabtu u ferħu flimkien bla distinzjoni ta’ kulur, twemmin jew lingwa.
Waqt din l-okkażjoni, il-plejers ta’ Ħamrun Spartans Elvis Mashike u Dodo Soares qasmu wkoll esperjenzi miż-żgħożija tagħhom meta, is-sitwazzjoni f’pajjiżhom, il-Kongo u Kape Verde, wasslithom biex ma jkollhomx għażla oħra ħlief li jaħarbu minn pajjiżhom u jfittxu futur fl-Ewropa. Dan kien vjaġġ diffiċli, u mhux dejjem sabu min jilqagħhom, iżda t-tnejn li huma wasslu lit-tfal messaġġ ta’ fiduċja biex qatt ma jaqtgħu qalbhom quddiem l-isfidi meta verament jemmnu fejn iridu jaslu.
Fi tmiem l-okkażjoni, it-tfal Ħamruniżi qassmu figolli lil uħud mit-tfal ta’ din l-iskola bħala rikordju ta’ dan l-avveniment. Din l-attività kienet appoġġjata minn Alberta, sponsor ewlieni ta’ Ħamrun Ħanin, kif ukoll Mannarinu Caterers.
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